2020 was pretty rubbish wasn’t it. No doubt about that.
As a photographer, who primarily made their money from weddings and portraits, the Covid-19 pandemic was an impossible curveball. Sure I had a couple of weddings through-out the year, but the amount of work and earnings was probably around 10% of what I initially had booked.
Early indications were that the lockdown would last a couple of months and things would return back to normal.
They didn’t…
So as 2021 kicks off, as we are staring another lockdown straight in the face, it’s fairly difficult to look forward and make any longterm plans. I for one, am not bracing myself for a return to anything resembling normal for a while yet.
The one thing we can do, is take stock of what positives 2020 gave us and build from there.
In the later half of 2020, I was fortunate enough to pay a short visit to Greatstone-upon-sea and Dungeness. And when I got back I decided to put together a calendar featuring images I had taken while there. To my surprise, I sold 30 copies, with very little marketing effort.
It made me realise that there is a market out there for printed images, so I’ll be looking to grow my business in that area in the future, with the possibility of selling fine-art prints of my non-wedding related images.
Other than that, I plan to continue to improve my skills where I can, stay positive and yeah, post some more blogs on here.
Onwards and upwards.
PS, if anyone see’s any images on this site, that they’d like an a4 print of, don’t be afraid to get in touch, my rates are competitive! 🙂